Quest III

Quest III

 Beware!  You may wonder if the students who come out of this class are the same ones who started it. Every student in this class, and every mentor trained or supported on their journey, has changed and grown by the experience.

In this semester, they are doing four different parts of Governance.

They are learning:

  1. Self-governance while they do an in-depth study of Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
  2. Principles of governing a nation as they memorize and write about the application to current events of the 28 principles of good government outlined in Skousen’s The Five Thousand Year Leap.
  3. Jurisprudence is taught through learning about the landmark cases of the Supreme Court, then choosing two cases to write legal briefs and argue before a moot court. “I say that so calmly. But seriously, when you see them withstand the questions that require lightening fast thinking on their feet, it is awe-inspiring to behold. My students tell me years later that it was the hardest thing they’ve ever done (and they actually thank me, if you can believe it!)” Kathy Mellor – LEMI Trainer
  4. Worldviews—they learn to see the world through 6 different worldviews and understand how other people in our nation and in our world see reality, humanity, the role of government, the basis of laws, and many, many other things. This is a necessary study for anyone who wants to build bridges in their leadership.