Sword of Freedom & Hero Project

Both Scholar Projects "Sword of Freedom" & "Hero Project"- are trained together in a 3 day training.

Sword of Freedom & Hero Scholar Projects

A few of the vital principles taught are:

  • purpose of government
  • world crisis and personal and family choices
  • leadership
  • war, pestilence, betrayal, statesmanship,
  • hardship
  • how to survive during difficult times
  • public virtue
  • true heroes

These two studies in the Civil War and World War II will give your scholar an understanding of the complexity of the times as the US was drawn into a war and an astounding number of conflicts and crises. But, even more importantly, they will find the hero within themselves and invaluable lessons they can apply in our day and time.


Scroll down for a more detailed description of each project.

Sword Of Freedom Scholar Project

Sword of Freedom Scholar Project – The Civil War!

Are you for The North or The South? Experience a new birth of freedom through this project and the study of the men and women of the time.

Extend the foundation of freedom created in Key of Liberty. Students enter a semester-long simulation pitting the North against the South as they learn to navigate difficult issues such as states rights vs. federal control, constitutionality of cessation, and slavery. In a crucial time in our nation’s history, human nature is explored in a war that resulted in brother fighting against brother in a conflict where both sides believed they were doing God’s will. The Civil War has never been more engaging as the students work towards earning a replica sword like those carried by the Union and Confederate soldiers.  It includes simulations, great classic books, presentations, and more!

Recommended previous Scholar Project – Key of Liberty is beneficial but not required.

The Hero Scholar Project

Hero Project

Empower our current Hero Generation to form a link to the Hero Generation of World War II. Through getting to know these amazing men and women who won the War, they will learn what qualities Heroes have. They will see what is required of a Hero Generation, and gain a desire to emulate those individuals they study. Students will be mentored by both the living and the dead by hearing their stories, being invited behind the scenes, and coming to understand that each and every person has a unique mission to perform in this life. Eisenhower didn’t win the War. Churchill didn’t win the War. The man swabbing the deck did. The man who built the plane did. The women who put together the code breaking machines did. They all had their part in the ultimate victory, and it wouldn’t have happened without each and every one of them working together toward a common goal. This Scholar Project can be presented in a one or two semester class – both approaches are in the mentor manual.