Classical Acting

Classical Acting Scholar Project

What is Classical Acting and why is it a 3 day training?

  • The new training is going to be amazing! One evening was never enough time to properly train the mentors. We found that mentors who attended the one evening training often had huge gaping holes in their understanding of the project and in mentoring because there just wasn’t enough time to train them properly. The new training will totally be worth it even for those who have attended the one evening training before.
  • We will go in-depth about mentoring at the apprentice and self-directed scholar level.
  • We will learn why Classical Acting is structured the way it is
  • How it dovetails with QUEST and Edison Project.
  • We will also learn about mentoring the student mentor. A big part of of Classical Acting is having the students lead out and begin mentoring each other. That means we have to teach the scholars how to mentor! That is a big responsibility with specific goals and methods. Unfortunately, some mentors have thought that it simply means leaving the students to figure it out completely on their own. Not at all!
  • We will go more in-depth in the foundational philosophies behind many of the theater games and activities to understand why we do them and how to teach the scholars about these philosophies. For the training, we will study one of Shakespeare’s plays and one other play along with the philosophies. We will have time to explore the language and textual analysis that we teach our scholars. We’ll experience it changing our understanding of Shakespeare’s words.
  • We will discuss the audition process and how and why it is different from Shakespeare Conquest auditions.
  • Putting on a process drama and we will put on our own process drama during training.
  • We will learn about why there are differences in the Shakespeare play and the Classical Acting play
  • What we want scholars to learn at different levels
  • How to combine the classes for a play if needed, and
  • We will go in-depth about the traveling portion of the Classical Acting play.
  • The Classical Acting training will be an advanced training that will add great depth for someone who already took Shakespeare Conquest training, but will also be a complete training on it’s own if someone is taking for the first time (although we still recommend taking Shakespeare a conquest training first).